Restaurant in Historic Downtown Lake City, Florida - Food, coffee, wifi, wine, beer, nightlife, music, art, books, & more!
The Café in Historic Downtown Lake City, Florida Downtown Lake City, Florida Café Hours



These are the various profile pages for The Café

Eventful - A leading digital media company connecting consumers with local events.

Facebook - A small internet startup company you've probably never heard of.

Google+ - Not exactly sure who uses this.

Imgur - Self-described as the go-to destination for viral images. - Business, deals, events, and activities.

Reddit - Connect with us on Reddit & contribute your own content!

ReverbNation - Provides music industry pros with technology to promote & prosper online.

TripAdvisor - The world's largest travel site, enabling travelers to plan the perfect trip.

Twitter - Yet another small business we're trying to help out.

UrbanSpoon - The world's leading provider of time-critical dining data.

Yahoo Local Listing - pending verification

YellowPages - North America's largest local search, media and advertising company.

Yelp - Our purpose: To connect people with great local businesses.